Human Synergistics Australia
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Human Synergistics Australia comprises of the:
- Life Styles Inventory (LSI)
- Group Style Inventory (GSI)
- Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI)
The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) identifies the underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual’s behaviour. Often referred to as personal styles, management styles and leadership styles, these represent the essence of an individual’s effectiveness.
The quality of an individual’s thinking and behaviour contributes greatly to that person’s work performance. Fortunately, your people have the power to change ineffective thinking and behaviour – the kind that can paralyse an individual’s effectiveness. But first they need to know if what they’re doing now is supporting or detracting from quality performance.
Based on a combination of respected psychological and measurement theories, the LSI 1 measures the thoughts and attitudes which motivate your behaviour, how you relate to others as well has how you solve problems and make decisions.
The greatest value of LSI 1 lies in the fact that no other self-assessment tool actually reveals and measures the thinking and behavioural styles that help or hinder you in fulfilling your potential. You can use what you learn to initiate positive changes in how you think and act – changes that can increase your personal and professional effectiveness. And because inventory results remain confidential – for your eyes only – honesty and accuracy are greatly enhanced.
LSI 1: The Process
Through your responses to 240 inventory items, LSI 1 distinguishes and measures 12 key thinking patterns, or styles, that are either effective or ineffective. These styles represent specific ways in which we choose to think about ourselves and influence our behaviour in all areas of life.
Debriefing the LSI 1 Circumplex:
Your LSI 1 results are plotted on a circumplex, or clock, thereby creating a visual profile of your current thinking patterns in each of the 12 styles.
- Constructive styles include achievement, self-actualising, humanistic-encouraging, affiliative – these styles represent self-enhancing thinking and behaviour that contribute to one’s level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks.
- Passive/defensive styles include approval, conventional, dependent, avoidance – self-protecting thinking and behaviour that promote the fulfilment of security needs through interaction with people.
- Aggressive/defensive styles include oppositional, power, competitive, perfectionist – self-promoting thinking and behaviour used to maintain status, position and fulfil security needs through task-related activities.
Used in conjunction with LSI 1, the LSI 2 provides objective feedback on an individual’s behaviour patterns as interpreted by others. You can combine these insights with what you know about yourself to more accurately assess your strengths – as well as areas in which you may want to improve. And the LSI 2 provides a confidential, reliable method of gathering feedback and a non-threatening way of presenting it.
LSI 2: The Process
Like LSI 1, LSI 2 distinguishes and measures 12 key thinking patterns, or styles, that are either effective or ineffective. These styles represent various ways in which we choose to think about ourselves and influence our behaviour in all areas of life.
The five simple steps in this self-realisation process are:
Step 1: You respond to the 240 inventory items in LSI 1.
Step 2: Your results are plotted on a circumplex, or “clock” for easy visualisation of how you think and behave in each of the 12 styles.
Step 3: You select up to eight trusted associates to describe your behaviour by responding to the 240 items in LSI 2.
Step 4: The respondents’ descriptions are then combined to form a composite profile, allowing you to see how you are collectively perceived.
Step 5: By comparing this composite profile to your LSI 1 profile, you can see the differences between self-perception and the perceptions’ of others.
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