The most effective Council is one that can become a high performing team quickly.
As a Councillor you may be facing pressure as you attempt to juggle the needs of your constituents alongside your region’s needs. The role of a Councillor is not dissimilar to a Board and leading from a Council or Board perspective can be complex and tricky.
CPEM Consulting can help create common language, common goals and an essential skill set for teams to work more effectively and deliver of Community expectation.
Specifically you will learn to:
- Working as an effective Council team
- Governance in a Council environment
- Communication Style and its impact on influencing, negotiation and conflict
- Developing Personal Leadership Character
- Individual Leadership Coaching Sessions
- Chairing Disruptive Meetings
- Navigating difficult conversations
- Strategic Planning and Managing Risk
- Understanding Council finance and making sound decisions for your community
Our programs not only save regional and local councils thousands of dollars, but we get you up and running at a high performing level quickly!
The overwhelming feedback we’ve received from councils in the past has been ‘We wish we had started doing your program earlier in the term, rather than later when we are in crisis mode’.
CPEM recognises the impact Covid-19 has had on Local Council and has adapted our services to suit our clients. We can now deliver our services remotely through the platform your organisation is used to, and deliver the same effective results as before. This has enabled us to service Council all across remote Queensland and Australia.
If your Council team is ready to take a proactive approach please get in touch through our online enquiry form or contact us on 1300 00 CPEM today. Our expert consultancy team are ready to support you.